The truth is that there is no “true” voice!
Our voices are the result of many years of conditioning from our environment. Maybe the songs we listened to when we were kids, the voices we heard in our home or in school, influences from our language… We can’t find one only reason.
Your genes can in part influence the sound of your voice (for example its range), and accepting that it important. That doesn’t mean that your voice is still able to change quite a lot in colour, depth, texture and so on.
The goal is not to find your “true” or “natural” voice, but about finding a healthy voice that you can shape however you want, according to your taste and objectives!

There are many ways to find the unique singing voice that’s inside of you, and these tips can help you get started.

The first step to finding your true voice is to practice, practice, practice! Singing is like any other skill; the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Set aside time every day to work on your singing, and you’ll see your voice improve over time.

You also want to absorb music and select your favourite singers and styles. That way you will become more aware of the different choices you have and you can start experimenting with them!

Next, find a vocal coach who can help you hone in on your unique vocal style. A vocal coach will be able to give you guidance and tips on how to use your voice to its full potential. They’ll also be able to give you feedback on your performance so you can work on areas that need improvement.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment! Everyone’s voice is unique, so don’t be afraid to try out different styles and techniques.

Be creative and have fun with it! You never know what you might discover about your voice. Finding your true singing voice isn’t easy, but practice, guidance from a vocal coach, and experimenting can help you get closer to your goal. listen to your own voice and experiment with it. You can try different vowels, different consonants, different words, different melodies, different volumes, different registers… The more you listen to your own voice, the more you will be able to find out what works for you and what you like. And in the end, it’s up to you to find your own unique sound and make it yours!

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